Date(s) - 23/06/2019
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
West Meadow Farm
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Laura and Sandy are super excited to announce we will be doing these one day mini clinics again for 2019! Do once or twice a month!
The focus for each clinic will be a little of each savvy. Online, Liberty, Freestyle and Finesse; leaving the last part of the day with private lessons.
This is a great way to jump start your 2019 riding season. Working towards new goals, maybe riding with Glenn Stewart, Dave Ellis or Linda Parelli!
At the start of each Mini Clinic we will gather as group and go over the day’s plan, give out the handouts for the day and review homework assignments. We will start the morning with Online and Liberty, break for lunch, then the afternoon session will be Freestyle and Finesse. The last 2 hours of the mini clinic will be for each of you to have 20 minutes of one on one time with Sandy or Laura, working on a specific issue.
Saturday Dates:
April 27th
Sandy – Freestyle & Finesse
Laura – Online & Liberty
May 25th
Sandy – Online & Liberty
Laura – Freestyle & Finesse
June 29th
Sandy – Liberty & Freestyle
Laura – Online & Finesse
Sunday Dates: (Rider Spots Are Full)
April 14th
Sandy – Freestyle & Finesse
Laura – Online & Liberty
May 5th
Sandy – Online & Liberty
Laura – Freestyle & Finesse
June 23rd
Sandy – Liberty & Freestyle
Laura – Online & Finesse
Class will start at 9 am sharp.
April, May, June Dates; $35 without a horse, $200 with horse includes, barn rental fee and day stall with light hay and bedding. If you pre-pay for any 4 mini clinics (as a rider) by March 1st, you get $25 off each clinic. Savings of $100!
Cost includes, barn fees, new workbooks (new things to add at each meeting), homework assignments and prizes.